- Jugular, femoral and bile duct cannulation.
- Cerebrospinal fluid, brochoalveolar lavage fluid, aquous humor fluid collection and saliva sampling.
- High precision and accurate dosing by different routes even intra tracheal repeated dosing.
- Portal blood collection.
- Subretinal injection with video recording of dosing.
- Isolation of different brain regions in rats and different eye parts in rabbits.
- Neuro degeneration with ICV injection.
- Olfactory bulbectomy model in rat as model of depression.
- Osmotic pump implantation by surgery.
- Well established Bleomycin induced pulmonary fibrosis model.
- Bone marrow Isolation.
- Evaluation of single pass intestinal perfusion method in rats.
- Effect of verapamil on pharmacokinetics of compound.
- Toxicity studies and PK studies for micronized dry powder formulations.
- Intranasal and sublingual dosing in rabbits.
- Bridging studies for establishing proof of concept for 505 b2 applications.